Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Quite Drunk Rambling as I Think it Would be Fun and Silly

So for some reason people write and stream when they are far from their best state of mind for a well thought out piece of entertainment, though to be fair, some drunks are more funny than others, so the question falls on where would I stand as one?

It is quite unbelieable to think that drinking as an activity is revered and respected on almost the entire globe (with some notable exceptions that border insanity but that isn't the point I am trying to make on this occasion), from china to america drinking is a past time enjoyed by all social classes and even encouraged to the point that people who don't drink are shunned, ridiculed and made fun of (redundant but can't quite come up with another reason on my current state of mind), and I would know as for most of my life I was against drinking as I didn't enjoy it (and to be fair still don't as I drink for rather sad motives) but eventually cave in to the social pressure and belief that getting lit as a torch is the way to enjoy your weekends, after work winding or free time with beer being the most overvalued of said beverages (they all taste the god damn same!!!). Now this is just my personal experience, if you actually enjoy the whole ambience and "cult" that has been built around this activity you are more than free to keep doing as you are, though I would ask you to drop the whole peer pressure thing as it only end with unfortunate (though to some hilarious) tales of someone having a forcefully empty stomach and subsequent killer hangover.

With my rather distate out of the way, let's get to the point at hand, drinking is quite similar to genders, either you do it the "right" way or you are a strange being for not enjoying what everyone else do, and maybe, just maybe that is similar to this kink that I write about on this blog and opetgc, not on the whole mismatched identity but on the pressure applied by others, you do as the rest or are an outcast. Again, for years I was one of those outcasts, as friends and family enjoyed the taste and feel that alcohol provided them, while I refused every offering on the basis that I just don't like it. To make matters worse, I am not a happy/sad/forgetful drunk, on the contrary I am fully aware and remember everything I do, making the liquid happiness a waste on my person, yet I have in the last three years started to participate in this nonsensical ritual. Now mind you, I have never and will never buy a drink for myself to enjoy in the solitude of my home as that could never be furthest from an enjoyable activity for me, leaving my drinking activities to social events, mainly with friends, during which I prove my manliness through the act of drinking as hard liquor as possible since it is all crap to me and might as well use it to make some sort of illusion about myself.

So you might be asking yourself "Is this why you made a blogspot?" and the answer to said question would be a yes, to write whatever the heck came to mind at the time and I wanted to share with people who are searching for relief of their usually hidden side. Now I am aware most will just dismiss this as a pointless post done by a drunk person on a blog that has nothing to do with this sort of things, but considering I am the person deciding what to post, I might as well.

Is it so hard to accept a preference someone might have that goes against the established set of rules laid by this now mostly (kinda reaching with the word as it is not the case but again, not the point) worldwide society? Just how much autonomy does one have? Are we destined to be shackled by the checklist that is intended for us to follow? Or am I just a salty person at this one beloved activity that is held in high regard by people of every race/country/standing?

This post may or may not be deleted once I feel better, but then again, I am fully aware of what I am writing, why I am doing so and what it means to me, just wondering what it could mean to someone else. BTW will be posting mostly caps and some stories here, with a weird rambling here and there, whenever I just feel like writing something dumb and quite possibly pointless.

So if you read all this crap congratulations! I am sorry about it and hopefully next time I can make it clear that this is a bad way to spend your time (reading my ramblings, tg is up to you to decide lol).

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